Monday, October 3, 2011

Weigh-In #6

Ahg! I'm getting behind on this blog! Sorry folks...between family, work, school, and tons of homework this has unfortuantely taken the back burner lately.

So I had another weight-in last Wednesday (almost a week ago already). I was down 1.2 pounds which brings my total to 18 pounds. I have just about hit the first goal, which is 20 pounds...woohooo!!

Now, on the other hand...this week has been rough! I got my wisdom teeth pulled last Friday, and while I'm not able to really eat a whole lot, I am also not feeling up to working out.

So needless to say, I think this week's weigh-in is going to be a doozy! Between all my fluid retention (being that chicken noodle soup is about my diet this week), and not getting to the gym, I don't think I'll make it to my 20 pound mark this week :( 

I know, I know...excuses excuses, right?? Right! You're absolutely right! I should have easily been able to lose 2 more pounds this week, but I'm thinking that I probably won't have lost them by Wednesday morning.

However...this won't stop me, or even slow me down... once my mouth is on the mend, it's back to the gym for me!

I'll check in with you soon, and thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you!! Keep up that attitude and you will be UNSTOPPABLE!! Well, at least it's chicken soup and not chocolate milk shakes like what I did when I had my teeth out! :)
