Friday, October 21, 2011

Don't worry... No news is good news!

Wow... I knew I was behind in regards to posting on here but I guess I didn't realize how long it had really been!! Sorry, folks!

However, the lack of posts does not mean I'm not doing well :). In fact, things have been good! Last Wednesday, the 12th, I weighed in and passed the contest goal of 20 lbs... I had lost another 3.2 which put me over the 20 lb mark by .2 lbs... I won the money pot!! :). I have lost nearly 40 lbs now since having my daughter in May!!

I took the money that I won (for those of you that don't remember, a few of us at work were competing to lose 20 lbs, and putting money in a pot), and went straight to a masseuse. I spent it on a wonderful full body massage! And while I would normally never spend money on that, I have to say, it felt great! Not only the massage, but knowing how hard I worked for that money that paid for that massage made it feel even more incredible!

However, I HAVE been slacking, in a sense... I had my wisdom teeth out 3 weeks ago, then shortly after that another one of my teeth abscessed so I also ended up having a root canal... Needless to say, my workouts have come to an abrupt halt. Also, my left knee has really been bothering me... BUT I'm headed back to the gym today... Just praying my knee will hold out! It's been way too long... 3 whole weeks since I've worked out! :(

Also, we've started another contest at work, with a few others that wanted to join but missed the first one, so I need to get my ass back in gear! :)

Thanks for being patient with me in this journey... I'll try to get better at keeping you all updated...can't believe I'm over 1/3 towards my goal....woooooohooooo!!! Skinny Chelsea, here I come :)


  1. Wow, good for you!! My goal these last two weeks was NOT to gain any weight while I had company for 6 days. With snacks and board games, snacks with movies, snack-snacks EVERY WHERE!! And LOTS of eating out which is always hard to calorie count. It sucks when it 'seems' like EVERY ONE is eating FUN but me but I did okay and only gained about .8 lb. I am back on track now thank goodness! I am so proud of YOU!! I plan on finding you for a HUG this Thanksgiving!! So get ready!! :)

  2. If it is the outside part of your knee the good news is that you just need to stretch your outer thigh muscle more! Try laying on your back with your knees bent so that the soles of your feet are on the ground. Then put the ankle of the offending knee on your other knee (like you are sitting half cross legged, in the air:)) and pull the supporting leg towards your chest. When that muscle is tight it makes your knee hurt because it connects to the side of your knee. I hope that makes sense :) That stretch helped my knee a ton when I was running last year.

  3. Mamma Bird... Do I know you??? :)

    Heidi.... Thanks for the tip! It's funny that you said that because I just asked one of the doctors that I work with what could be wrong with my knee, and he basically said the same thing as you... You should be a doctor :). And I will definitely try that!
