Wednesday, September 21, 2011


So I started this weight loss competition 5 weeks ago with a few other girls I work with. At weigh-in today I was down 3 more pounds, for a total of 16.8! Only 3.2 more pounds and I'll hopefully win the money pot! :)

BUT, my journey definitely does not end there! I have a long way to go, but I'm making progress... After today's weigh-in I have officially lost 25% of my total weight that I intend to lose... In fact, I'm a little over 25% :).

I'm actually going by my start weight (after I had my baby in May, I started losing weight, prior to starting the competition).

I am on my way, slow and steady. Although this has definitely NOT been easy, it's also not been quite as difficult as I imagined it would be. With the encouragement from others along with my weekly progress on the scale, it is getting easier and easier to turn down temptation!

Yes, things still look diabolically delicious :). Yes, I still fight cravings, yes it's still hard to get up early every morning and hit the gym, BUT I'm doing it, thanks to everyone's support, and a little determination!

It's exciting! Not only because I am seeing the scale consistently move, but because I am hitting small goals along the way... This is the "thinnest" I have been in nearly 5 years!! And my clothes are starting to feel pretty loose, even fresh out of the dryer!! :)

I know this sounds cliche, but trust me... If I can do it, YOU can do it!! No one knows quite how incredibly strong my food addiction was, but I am overcoming it, one day at a time.

Thanks again, everyone, for your incredible support and positive feedback!


  1. Well, I have only lost 5 lb. but I am right there with you! Let's keep going!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good Job Chelsea! You are an inspiration! Sorry about my deleted comment above, I couldn't think of the right word before, even though it was rather simple :) So I came back to fix it so I didn't sound completely illiterate ;)

  4. 25%! That's AMAZING success- you're on fire! :)

  5. Mamma Bird- 5 lbs is amazing...doesn't matter if you have 10, 20, or 50 to lose...5 is a great start. Keep it up!! :)

    Kayla...thanks for your sweet words, and thanks for reading :)

    Kristy... I am sooo excited!!! LOL
