Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Come on motivation, don't fail me now!

Well, we started another competition at work last week... Same idea as before. For every pound we lose, we put $1 in the pot, as well as another $1 if we don't work out at least 3 times each week. Our weigh in is tomorrow, and for the first time I'm not looking forward to it. Not that I think I gained, I'm fairly certain I'm down, but not as much as I could have been.

Ever since I took a "leave of absense" from the gym I am having a really hard time finding that motivation again :(. When I first got my wisdom teeth out all I thought was "I can't wait to get back to the gym, I miss running!" And now that it's been like 3 weeks of laziness all I can think is "ugh, I can't bring myself to get there!"

I kind of feel like I'm starting from scratch again, although I am still losing weight. I just don't feel as good as I did when I was losing the weight AND working out.

So... Somehow I've got to regain my momentum... I still have a long way to go to reach my goal weight. I know I'll get there, it's only a matter of time, but it would be awesome to reach it by my goal date, which is graduation next year (mid-May).

Any tips, anyone? I'm just finding that my perseverance is waning in that area...

I'll post more soon, after my weigh in tomorrow!


  1. It's hard to find momentum again after being out of the game for a few weeks. It's kind of sad really how quickly we can take a step back in such a short amount of time. But, that's part of life--things happen, life gets busy...the key is to get back to it, especially when you don't want to! Do whatever you need to get yourself back to the gym, and I promise, once you force yourself back a few times the momentum will be right back where it was! The feeling from exercising is addicting and it feels so good, after experiencing it again consistently it'll push you! Try mixing it up too, that helps! Try a new class, or do a new workout routine or try a new machine. It's good to mix it up anyway, not just for the workout benefit but for the mental benefit too! Good luck!

  2. -Plan to meet a friend there!
    -Plan on only a small workout and a long shower and see what you feel like 10 minutes might feel like making it a great workout!!
    -Think about all the moms who would love to have 20-40 minutes 'alone' (no one asking us ANYTHING) and let us live vicariously through you!
    -Find an awesome outfit on pintrest that will look so hot on your 'new' self, and think about wearing it out with friends!!
    -Think about running into someone who has not seen you in a long time and wonder about what they might say/think about the new you or just how awesome you would feel knowing you look good when you walk away :)
    -Think about going out with the hubby somewhere and knowing he knows all the other guys know how lucky he is to have such a hotty. (Not that he is NOT lucky everyday :)

    Hope you find your MOJO soon! You are doing so great!!
