Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Come on motivation, don't fail me now!

Well, we started another competition at work last week... Same idea as before. For every pound we lose, we put $1 in the pot, as well as another $1 if we don't work out at least 3 times each week. Our weigh in is tomorrow, and for the first time I'm not looking forward to it. Not that I think I gained, I'm fairly certain I'm down, but not as much as I could have been.

Ever since I took a "leave of absense" from the gym I am having a really hard time finding that motivation again :(. When I first got my wisdom teeth out all I thought was "I can't wait to get back to the gym, I miss running!" And now that it's been like 3 weeks of laziness all I can think is "ugh, I can't bring myself to get there!"

I kind of feel like I'm starting from scratch again, although I am still losing weight. I just don't feel as good as I did when I was losing the weight AND working out.

So... Somehow I've got to regain my momentum... I still have a long way to go to reach my goal weight. I know I'll get there, it's only a matter of time, but it would be awesome to reach it by my goal date, which is graduation next year (mid-May).

Any tips, anyone? I'm just finding that my perseverance is waning in that area...

I'll post more soon, after my weigh in tomorrow!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Don't worry... No news is good news!

Wow... I knew I was behind in regards to posting on here but I guess I didn't realize how long it had really been!! Sorry, folks!

However, the lack of posts does not mean I'm not doing well :). In fact, things have been good! Last Wednesday, the 12th, I weighed in and passed the contest goal of 20 lbs... I had lost another 3.2 which put me over the 20 lb mark by .2 lbs... I won the money pot!! :). I have lost nearly 40 lbs now since having my daughter in May!!

I took the money that I won (for those of you that don't remember, a few of us at work were competing to lose 20 lbs, and putting money in a pot), and went straight to a masseuse. I spent it on a wonderful full body massage! And while I would normally never spend money on that, I have to say, it felt great! Not only the massage, but knowing how hard I worked for that money that paid for that massage made it feel even more incredible!

However, I HAVE been slacking, in a sense... I had my wisdom teeth out 3 weeks ago, then shortly after that another one of my teeth abscessed so I also ended up having a root canal... Needless to say, my workouts have come to an abrupt halt. Also, my left knee has really been bothering me... BUT I'm headed back to the gym today... Just praying my knee will hold out! It's been way too long... 3 whole weeks since I've worked out! :(

Also, we've started another contest at work, with a few others that wanted to join but missed the first one, so I need to get my ass back in gear! :)

Thanks for being patient with me in this journey... I'll try to get better at keeping you all updated...can't believe I'm over 1/3 towards my goal....woooooohooooo!!! Skinny Chelsea, here I come :)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Weigh-In #6

Ahg! I'm getting behind on this blog! Sorry folks...between family, work, school, and tons of homework this has unfortuantely taken the back burner lately.

So I had another weight-in last Wednesday (almost a week ago already). I was down 1.2 pounds which brings my total to 18 pounds. I have just about hit the first goal, which is 20 pounds...woohooo!!

Now, on the other hand...this week has been rough! I got my wisdom teeth pulled last Friday, and while I'm not able to really eat a whole lot, I am also not feeling up to working out.

So needless to say, I think this week's weigh-in is going to be a doozy! Between all my fluid retention (being that chicken noodle soup is about my diet this week), and not getting to the gym, I don't think I'll make it to my 20 pound mark this week :( 

I know, I know...excuses excuses, right?? Right! You're absolutely right! I should have easily been able to lose 2 more pounds this week, but I'm thinking that I probably won't have lost them by Wednesday morning.

However...this won't stop me, or even slow me down... once my mouth is on the mend, it's back to the gym for me!

I'll check in with you soon, and thanks for reading!