Saturday, September 17, 2011

Weigh-In #5

I'm a few days late in posting this, seeing as my weigh-in days are on Wednesday, but life is busy!!

Anyway, I weighed in Wednesday morning and I was down another 3.6 lbs.... that makes for a total of 13.8 lbs so far!! I wish it was more, but hey... it's a good start, and supposedly a "healthy pace" to be losing the weight.

So this last week has been really challenging, but in a good way. The eating and working out has been going great, but I really wanted to figure out a good routine...switch things up, so to speak. I kind of got in a routine of doing the same exact thing every time I go to the gym. I'm guessing that's part of the reason why I had a plateau of no weight loss last week.

One of my ultimate goals is to run a marathon with my sister next June, since I should be at my goal weight by then. So I figured I would start my training now. I'm using a running guide that I found on the internet... first you train for a 5K, then 10K, then 1/2 marathon, etc.

I've been running quite a bit on the treadmill anyway, so hopefully the transition will be relatively easy. I started it last night...we'll see how it goes! :)

Either way, I am back in the swing of things...the weight is coming off again, and my strength is renewed.

1 comment:

  1. Hh, running! I want to try again but I just suck at it... maybe I will... Well, I will give it some thought.... Thanks Chelsea I really needed this. :)
